
Jeremy McClure lost his sight at the ripe age of 14-years old. He was dealt a card that was very unexpected when he lost 98% of his vision. As a young and typical teenager, he was forced to accept that he would be legally blind for the rest of his life and as such, had to adapt his life accordingly.

Finding a positive out of this negative situation (which has since become his motto) was a natural step for Jeremy, and within a year he had turned his focus to swimming. He swam through many long and vigorous training sessions in the pool and qualified for his first Paralympic Games which were held in Athens (2004). He has since gone on to continue his bid as an Elite Swimmer and competed in the 2008 Beijing and 2012 London Paralympic Games.

Jeremy is currently training for his fourth Paralympic Games, where he is ranked as a Podium Potential for the Men's 100m backstroke event (S11 category). At the recent Hancock Prospecting Australian Swimming Championships, Jeremy swum a World Record time for the Men's 50m backstroke in the S11 category, breaking a record that had remained untouched for 8 years!

Jeremy lives in Perth with his wife Heidi, and their two dogs (one being his Guide Dog). When he's not in the pool or the gym, Jeremy works as a Remedial Massage Therapist at Subiaco Sports Massage Clinic.

Jeremy's courageous story, his grit and determination, and positive attitude makes him a true Australian inspiration.

Meet the Team


Kareena Preston



Yuriy Vdovychenko

AIS/NTC Camp and National Team Camp Coach and Tapper


Sally and Ken McClure



Trevor Wilmot

Remedial Massage Therapist


Vickie Furk

Remedial Massage Therapist


Jeremy McClure - A Journey Through the Years...